hello there friend.

 here you will find the chronicles of a curious girl.

what i can’t tell you about Barcelona

what i can’t tell you about Barcelona

I visited Barcelona last year with my best friend Kymberlee and we had the time of our lives. Since my sister Rachel has never seen Barcelona (and I’d only just spent 3 days there), we decided we should go for a visit as we make our way to Madrid for our return flight home. Barcelona was a huge change from the small towns that my sister and I had been visiting for the past few days. After taking a few minutes to adjust once we stepped off our flight, we were ready for the time of our lives that awaited us ahead.


Unfortunately, I can’t really tell you all the things about Barcelona that I want to. To tell you in words would not be enough.

What I can’t tell you about Barcelona are those things that you can only experience yourself.

I can’t tell you about the feeling I got after seeing beautiful colors of light shining through the windows of La Sagrada Familia.

I can’t tell you about how happy I was to see one of my friends from home and be welcomed by her kind family.

I can’t tell you how amazing it was to enjoy two incredible authentic Spanish meals with my friend and her parents.

I can’t tell you about how much fun I had showing off my American dance moves during the nights out and not caring at all about how dumb or crazy I looked.

I can’t tell you about the vibrant and contagious energy that the city has.

I can’t tell you all the feelings of curiosity and wonder I had while we walked through the tiny, old narrow streets.

I can’t describe the moments of awe, looking at the architecture of Barcelona and learning about the people who created the city.

I can’t tell you how blown out of the water we were by the magic fountain.

I can’t tell you about the views from atop the city at the bunkers.

I can’t tell you how fun it was to explore the city of Barcelona for a few days with our good friend Alex who we met in Rome.

I can’t tell you how many funny moments happened, how many times we died of laughter, and how many times I wished I could stop time right then and there.

These things I just can’t tell you because words can’t really describe them. These are experiences. These are memories. These are moments I will always cherish.


As we boarded our bus this morning, I was so sad to say goodbye to one of my favorite cities and some of my favorite people. But there is no reason to be down because it’s a new day and a new adventure to look forward to!!


travel update: from Europe to Central America

travel update: from Europe to Central America

there’s just something about San Vito

there’s just something about San Vito